It's the first post of 2025.
Actually, it's possibly the first actual post of all the ones here!
One of my goals this year is to start a real blog because I have never used the one here properly.
I am not sure what a Real blog is supposed to look like, but I want to use it to share my process, my insight, my tips or advice, and my path in general. I suppose this is what blogs are used for.
In addition I am not a great fan of social media, so I hope to share more here and less there, with time.
Counting on the fact that here I will have people who are really interested in my work, like subscribers, it just makes more sense for me to speak to them.
This January 2025 has started very slowly and with fatigue, too.
January has been, in the last few years, the month where I mostly plan for the rest of the year, and consequently, I found myself thrown deeply into mindset dynamics difficult to ignore.
So I spent weeks couching myself, thinking and examining limiting beliefs, planning for the future, re-framing, etc. I usually watch a couple of workshops about those processes that I find very helpful.
One is Tony Robbins, who I found deeply inspiring, and the other is the UAS Best Year yet, which really helped me to put plans on paper. Also in the process I even found my dream house! XD

If anyone is interested, I can share more on the process.
Another one of my goals this year is to create at least one painting a month, but I had to disattend it this month.
At the moment, I am writing from a hospital in Milan, where my husband had surgery. A planned surgery, luckily, but still, life happens, and we always have to adjust.
Anyway, I can share that I started a lovely big canvas, which is quite cathartic for me. The size and theme are unusual.
It is cathartic because it is somehow related to my path in the last months.
I found myself very, very demotivated.
Quite unexpectedly, too.
Things are not particularly bad.
On the work side, I realized at least two of last year's goals: a technical one (finishing the website and setting up the print shop) and a financial one.
On the life side, my profound love for my family is the engine for everything else. In addition, since we moved to Rome last year, we have many friends and family around. So, we are less alone, and life is a bit easier because of all the support we have.
It was not too bad. I obviously had many setbacks like everyone else (health and family issues) that naturally slowed me down.
So, in conclusion, I needed to recalibrate.
And I did gain some beautiful, heartwarming insights in the past weeks.
I want to share them for the value of connections and shared experiences. Someone may find it relatable or a helpful reminder.
1) Life doesn't happen to me but FOR me, as Tony Robbins says.
Do not walk through life thinking difficulties are bad signs. Whatever happens, it is meant to help you grow and expand your identity.
As they said, obstacles are the path.
2) I have higher purposes than whatever is thrown in my way.
My work exists for reasons the Universe ( or whoever you prefer) knows.
It has a higher purpose than any rejection I can encounter on my path. Some people need to see it for some reason, and they are looking for it.
3) We all have to die.
This came from my experience with health issues. And it has been brought back to the surface because two people in the artist social-world-community I know have sadly passed.
Since I got sick in 2021, things have changed permanently for me. I mentioned that I had a problem in one of my lungs, and I had to go through surgery and stayed in the hospital for a month without being even able to see my daughter because of COVID restrictions.
Since then, I have kept having some trouble breathing I didn't have before, which changed the way I see many things.
So, whatever you want to accomplish, you must do it NOW because time is limited.
4) and last, at least for now, is that I want to share my gifts with the world because that's been my call since I was a child.
Have a lovely New Year, everyone.
Hopefully a peaceful and abundant one!