So, here I am again!
Just an update (with a picture of me and Mati on the Danube in 2021): we moved to Italy this summer, and as you can imagine we have been very busy.
We decided to change for a series of reasons.
On one side, I still have some health issues, let's say, and our daughter too was having many difficulties, and she needed a bit more help.
So here we are now, settled (more o less!) and she seems very happy.
We have family and friends here, and this is hugely helping all of us!
I miss Vienna though, it's a beautiful city, and we met many special people there.
Nonetheless, it has been quite difficult to adjust to all the things I hate of Italy, and Rome in particular, but I am trying to focus on the positive.
And people are definitely on the positive side! They are so friendly, warm and kind (well many of them at least!) that you can easily feel at home.
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